Across Europe, Sugar-Free sweets have seen a massive increase in popularity over recent years.
Subsequently choice and flavours have become much better and more varied – brilliant we think!
We are delighted to be able to offer a really popular range of 26 sugar-free sweet options, from wrapped traditional boiled sweets to jellies, we have a sugar-free sweet to appeal to all ages and tastes.
Our sugar-free sweets are suitable for diabetics or those looking to watch their weight – we personally love the mint humbug – it’s amazingly good, even down to the chewy minty centre.
So… in usual style, the 5 most popular sugar-free sweets at Daffy-down-dilly are…
Number 5 is Sugar-free Sherbet Lemons. A crunchy boiled sweet with a delicious Lemon flavour and a zingy sherbet centre. Refreshing and delicious and indivually wrapped, so no sticking together either!
At number 4 it’s Cola Bottles. A popular sugar-free choice for all ages, not just our younger customers, it’s good to see a jelly in the top 5! Our sugar-free cola bottles have an authentic flavour and a perfect chew.
In at number 3 is Liquorice Drops. A hard boiled, individually wrapped sugar free sweet with a fabulous liquorice flavour – a great sucky sweet choice.
At number 2 in our sugar-free sweet chart is Strawberries and Cream – this is a creamy and fruity boiled sweet , another great sucky sweet with a fab traditional flavour…
And the most popular sugar-free sweet at Daffy-down-dilly? Well, that’s a clear one for sure – it’s our sugar-free mint humbug. Our favourite and definitely our customers top choice too – have you tried one yet?