Award Winning DaffyDownDilly
We are proud and delighted to announce that on the 10th January 2015 we won the New Enterprise of 2015 Award as part of the Sid Valley Business Awards.
Well, are we chuffed? Especially in our first year of business…
We would love to take the opportunity to thank our amazing supportive customers, and Sidmouth town in particular. What a fantastic community to be part of.
Sweet Shop
If you’re a sweet fan and like to buy sweets online, why not check out our awesome selection of quality sweets and retro sweet hampers? Our fizzy and sour sweets are found so set your tongue tingling with their taste explosion and our jelly and gummy sweets vary in texture from very soft Jelly Bones to the firmer Giant Strawberries made by our good friends at Haribo – there’s something to suit everyone! Personalised sweet jars are an awesome gift for anyone with a sweet tooth and what better way could there be to show a special person that you’re thinking of them then to design a sweet jar label especially for them! So take a moment to have a browse around our online shop and we’re sure you’ll find the perfect sweet treat!
Plans are already afoot for award winning Daffy this year, but you will already know that as you’re reading this on our brand spanking new website! Yippee!!
Updated to add we have since been awarded Sweetshop of the year (Devon) 2022, and very recently our first National award… Online Sweetshop of the Year 2022! Woohoo 🙂 Award winning indeed!