Our brilliant assorted mixed bonbon sweets are so popular in our shop. So we had to make them available to buy online from our UK award winning sweet shop too!
A super combination of soft and chewy bonbon flavours, all especially chosen to maximise your bonbon eating pleasure. So good, we’ve even chosen them to feature in our retro sweet hamper collection. Mixed bonbon sweets are a great way to try more than one bonbon flavour. And what better sweet to choose in the crinkly paper bag from your corner shop as a child? Our bonbons are sure to take you straight down memory lane to happy childhood times.
We have a huge range of bonbons at DaffyDownDilly as we love them so! From traditional powdery ones with a toffee centre to more modern chewy choices. Like fabulous blue raspberry bonbons and watermelon, cherry and lemonade. All super scrummy and featured in our bonbon gift box too!

These make a fantastic treat, or the perfect gift for someone special.
katie nicol –
James Smith (verified owner) –
Craig (verified owner) –